Download Der Salz Prinz in HD Mp4 3GP Video and MP3 Torrent
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Critics said it was overly sad and gloomy. Všetka soľ sa premení na zlato, avšak počiatočná radosť netrvá dlho.
Die Mutter des Salzprinzen kann ihren Sohn ebenso wenig umstimmen wie sein Vertrauter Argonit, der ihn warnt, dass er seine Unsterblichkeit verliere und verwundbar werde. Der nun befragte Prinz Kazimir zückt sein Schwert, mit dem er jedes andere Königreich bezwingen werde, ja, er wolle das Land des Königs nicht nur verteidigen, sondern auch vergrößern. Zatímco nápadníci Vandy a Barbory zdolali úspěšné své soky, Maruška uteče do své zahrady a setká se tu se svým tajným ctitelem.
Sůl nad zlato / Der Salzprinz (1982) - The principle makes use of, suggestions for rising and multiplying this plant!
Running time 85 minutes Country Czechoslovakia, Germany Language Slovak The Salt Prince : Soľ nad zlato, : Sůl nad zlato, : Der Salzprinz, : Il Solto Prinzzo is a fairy-tale movie based on a novel by. The movie's central lesson is that salt, as it is necessary for life, is more precious than salzprinz and emeralds. It also probes into Slovak cultural heritage and values. The closest to his heart is the youngest one Maruška, but he wants to confirm his decision by reason not only by feelings, so he follows the advice of court clown to decide according to their confessions of daughterly love towards him and their bridegrooms. At the ceremony of confessions the oldest of the sisters, who loves salzprinz and power, pleases father with the confession that she loves him more than gold. Her bridegroom promises power and order to his country. The younger one, who's obsessed with jewellery, confesses that she loves him more than any of expensive jewels. The youngest one Maruška confesses that she loves him more than salt, because salt is inevitable for life. Her bridegroom, the Salt Prince promises love to salzprinz daughter prosperity, justice and charity towards his people if he and Maruška will reign. The king is offended by Maruška's confession, because there is enough salt and everybody, even the poor ones have some. The Salt Prince tries to defend Salzprinz, but her father expels Maruška from his kingdom. While this event is taking place, the King of Nature, the father of Salt Prince appears and utters a curse upon Pravoslav's kingdom. From now on every grain of salt would turn gold. This event would not only influence the kingdom, but also Salzprinz prince, because as his ideas of good, and good will were taken in wrong turn he disappears and is turned into salt pillar in the underworld. Maruška expelled from the country of her salzprinz undergoes a journey of finding her lost love Salt prince. She finds the way to the kingdom of Underworld, the kingdom of Salt prince's father. Meanwhile Pravoslav and his other two daughters enjoy the gold they have, but after a while when the food is dry in taste the two bridegrooms starts quarreling about the money and people of the kingdom strive for an ingredient which makes their bread tasteful. When illnesses start to spread, Pravoslav decides to give up gold and exchange it for salt in the neighboring country. As the carriages with gold cross the border it changes to salzprinz and other way back it returns salzprinz the kingdom of Pravoslav it is again gold. After this they recognize that their kingdom is cursed. After being in the kingdom of the King of Nature Underworld Maruška meets group of nymphs who help her to find old wise woman, who should advise her where to look for Salt prince. Here Maruška is given task salzprinz prove if she is capable of fighting for her salzprinz and if she will resist temptation. She should fill old dry waterwell with water from nearby stream. The waterwell can not be filled and she is desperate, but continues, because of the love she feels. While being exhausted and dirty from work comes some prince with fellows and ask her to marry him. She refuses, because she loves Salt prince. After this event old woman advises her that she has to collect tears of the people from her fathers country, which are concentrated in the underworld meadow of oblivion. After collecting tears, she revives Salt prince whom she marries. As a gift young from the King of the Nature, underworld young couple is given bag from which salt will never run out. They depart from the kingdom of the Salzprinz to Pravoslavs country, where they give the people salt. Pravoslav passes his crown to them and establishes that to remind the people and make it sure that such story would never repeat people should from that time welcome each stranger not only with bread, but also with salt. Bread symbolizes utility necessary for life whereas salt symbolizes love and the salzprinz of giving, which makes life salzprinz. Wisdom stemming from life experience, especially that of common people, as collected by Dobšinský, are featured in the narrative. The state of being lost with ideals, after experiencing crash with reality is shown in the metaphor of the petrified Salt Prince. The ideal of selfless love is shown in the scene where Maruška, does not stop filling the dry well, even when she see no results stemming from her actions. The metaphor of reconciling mistakes is shown in the scene where Maruška collects the tears of the people hurt by her father's mistake on the meadow of forgetting Oblivion and salzprinz them to revive the Salt Prince. The metaphor of the curse uttered upon those disregarding and nature, symbolized by Pravoslav's contempt towards salt and the son of the King of Nature Underworldshows the damage that man's domination can cause and its consequences when not controlled. You can not recognize true gifts of Mother Earth. Critics said it was overly sad and gloomy. In addition, this version was compared in in with the older version of the story Byl jednou jeden král Once Upon a Time There Was a King from 1954 which was better received and considered a classic. This version of the film is still played at Christmas in Slovakia.
Der Salzprinz
April 1983 in zwei Teilen im ausgestrahlt. Synovu urážku berie za svoju a všetku soľ v kráľovstve premení na zlato. Von seinen Töchtern habe er sie am liebsten gehabt, aber wo die größte Liebe sei, sei wohl auch der größte Schmerz. Zatiaľ čo Vanda a Barbora hovoria o zlate a šperkoch, Maruška prehlási, že má otca rada ako soľ, ktorá je podľa nej hodnotnejšia ako zlato. Das wisse er auch nicht, aber er wisse, dass den Prinzen nur ein edles Menschenwesen befreien könne. Vor euch stehen die zukünftige Königin und ihr Gatte, der Salzprinz. Všechna se sůl se změní ve zlato. They can even fit into your decor all year round. Make sure you are part of the world's leading trade fair and get an overview of the latest trends and all the latest news about the community! Als auch zwei Ritter um die Gunst der jüngsten Königstochter, Prinzessin Maruška, einen Kampf ausfechten wollen, gibt sie dem Vater zu verstehen, dass sie das nicht wolle und läuft davon.